Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Garden State

I was in the mood to do "a bit of gardening" the other day, or whatever you call weeding-out-a-patch-of-soil.

I've been putting the garden project aside for weeks because of other house concerns.
But now, I was finally able to find the time to get started on it. And man, I was just in the zone! I started pulling out weeds or unwanted vines, one after another and another... and before I knew it I had spent a good hour just doing that!

I know gardening can sound a bit boring, but having cute garden stuff made it a bit fun! Check out the borrowed, anti-garden ants boots (from Jof), super cute garden gloves from Daiso and my new herbs for planting.:-D

I am a gardening newb, but so far I think the garden looks better already! :-D Let's see what my green "skillz" will do. Wish me luck!

Check out that pile! This was when I was just halfway done weeding.

Introducing, my garden's new cast: rosemary, mint, oregano, tarragon and basil. :-)

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