Friday, August 10, 2012

Countdown to My Island Anniversary

In exactly one month, I celebrate my 4th straight year of living in Boracay Island.

That means it's been 4 years since I packed my bags and set out for a different scene and adventure. 4 years since I said I would be back in a year. 4 years of living according to the weather, the tide and the moon. 4 years of bikinis, slippers and sunscreen, boat rides, tricycles, beach hunting, river escapes, island sports and yoga. This also means 4 years of music hunger, overpriced groceries and fear of skin infection (I'll explain these later). And most of all, 4 years of meeting some of the most beautiful people I've ever met.

So I've decided that in celebration, I will make a weekly post sharing the different quirks and realities of island-living. I've learned recently that I have a handful of readers who are interested in moving to the island, so let me share my personal experiences with you. Before moving here, I tried looking online for articles like these (to help me decide) but didn't really find any. Obviously, I went anyway. But it would have been helpful. It would have saved me some hassles and embarrassment. It would have warned me of some extra stuff to pack before moving here.

So starting this week up to the day of my island anniversary, expect some stories - fun, magical, painful, funny and hopefully inspiring. If it encourages another person to move here then great! If not then at the very least I hope it sheds some light on the stereotype that is an island life.

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