Monday, April 04, 2011

Marshall Mondays: Summer Guests

This morning, Marshall said goodbye and see you soon to 3 guests he had this week: my sisters Thea and Monique and a new family member Alex, who came all the way from Manila to see him and enjoy the beach (of course).

I think Marshall and I agree that having a fuller house was real nice, plus a bigger audience than usual made him one happy, smothered puppy. :)

The accompanied walks, sunrise stroll, the songs, the hugs, the pats, Marshall will miss them all. See you guys soon. :)

Oh and Marshall wants to send a bark out to Carlo and Roxie who he heard looks forward to Marshall Mondays every week. Hello! And thank you! (and yes, this post is kind of late again. Marshall and I like waking up late on Mondays :P)

Happy Marshall Monday everyone!


Unknown said...

barking back at ya Marshall! :D from Carlo who's now in the old sugarcane fields of Laguna and Roxy in the concrete jungle of Quezon City :) and yes, we do look forward to Marshall Mondays :D

Roxy said...

Hey Marshall, what a pleasant surprise! Roxy and Carlo got so kilig over you sending your greetings :D

Sending lots and lots of looove from the metro! Believe it or not, you are our Manic Mondays' much-needed breather and upper =D

Denise Nicole said...

Aww! thanks again Carlo and Roxie. :D